Position Announcement
Dean, College of Science
National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University (NTU) invites applications for the position of Dean of the
College of Science, with a preferred starting date of August 1, 2025.
As one of the fourteen colleges at NTU, the College of Science currently has seven
departments (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Geosciences, Geography,
and Atmospheric Sciences), five graduate institutes (Oceanography, Astrophysics,
Applied Physics, Applied Mathematical Sciences, and Statistics and Data Science) and
two degree programs (International Degree Program in Climate Change and
Sustainable Development, and Taiwan International Graduate Program Earth System
Science). The College of Science is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and
societal impact.
It is expected that the Dean candidate should have an outstanding record of academic
achievements and be eligible for a senior faculty appointment in one of the departments
and institutes. He/she should also have demonstrated an effective leadership in an
academic environment.
Interested candidates should send an electronic copy of curriculum vitae, a publication
list, a vision statement, and a cover letter to the Search Committee (hjlee@ntu.edu.tw) by
March 31, 2025.
Contact information:
Ms. Hui Jing Lee, hjlee@ntu.edu.tw, 886-2-23637562
College of Science, National Taiwan University,
In your application, please refer to Professorpositions.com